In the Darkness of My Shadow | Teen Ink

In the Darkness of My Shadow

March 1, 2012
By Marquita BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
Marquita BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
it was Jesus

Lying down thinking of life while it’s here.
Not knowing when it’s going to track me down.
How I wonder sometimes what it takes to live alone, when I’m not in the darkness of my shadow.

Thinking of tomorrow, as if it will ever come. A new day in which I won’t be able to predict exactly what will happen.
Metal, concrete, stalky people in uniforms, surround me.
No privacy, not even in the darkness of my shadow.

No food that’s worth eating, no way to associate and meet new people. Just lay down on my sea shell like bed that puts crabs in my back each and every night.
I need an angel to send a message to god so that he can send it to others.
It wasn’t my fault, I don’t belong here. And now I am stuck in the darkness of my shadow until the day I die with no way out of this horrible forbidden place.

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