Flowers Fade | Teen Ink

Flowers Fade

March 21, 2012
By 15cmm BRONZE, Polk City, Iowa
15cmm BRONZE, Polk City, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
C'est la vie

Roses of red fade away
day by day
but our bond is eternal
day come and day day go
our bond is stronger ever so

Gifts are great but they cannot last
as our moments
become our past
how can the emotions be expressed
the joy you bring
you can only guess

You are the sun and I am the moon
you are the air and I'm the balloon
You are the land
I am the sea
together side by side we will be

This is how the tale is told
all that glitters is not gold
nor every gem be precious stone
what would become of this however
I could not have known

Every rose may have its storm
every summer may have its storm
I'll wait for you until the
time is best
and of love
time is the only test

I may not live forever
but while my soul still
roams the Earth
I have found my angel

So as our ways are about to part
I leave you with this message
to your heart from mine

Love is forever
but flowers fade

The author's comments:
This piece is dedicated to S.J.

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