May 24,1995 | Teen Ink

May 24,1995

April 15, 2012
By Courtney Grant BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Courtney Grant BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My birthday story is not an exciting story but a planned one
It was scheduled on May 24, 1995 at six in the morning
My father was jumpy with nerves and my mom full of anticipation
Both sets of my grandparents were there waiting to see me
My grandmas were instructed to stay in the waiting room
And my uncle was with my parents in the room
Well this fact irritated my mother’s mom because she wanted to be there too
This is when the battle between the grandmas began
Neither of them stayed in the waiting room that morning
They were in and out of the room bossing people around
And wanting control over the situation
Which made the whole morning even more of an adventure
Besides that everything was running smooth until the doctor was running late
The case before my moms was taking longer then expected
So there my mom was lying on the algid and indurate table
Waiting to hold her new baby girl
An hour later Doctor Owen came running in and
Said lets get this show on the road
About ten minutes later I was born
Doctor Owen lifted me over the screen so that my mom could see me
And that’s when my mom saw my eyes
She said they were as big as saucers
That’s when she knew that I would be named Courtney
I let out a small cry and was carried over to the table
They wiped me off and that’s when I started screaming
Then came my footprints and handprints on my birth certificate
I weighed 7.4 pounds
And I was 19.5 inches long
The doctor said I had ten toes and ten fingers and was a healthy baby girl
The nurses wrapped me up in a pink blanket
And put a white little hat on my head
I was carried over to my mom and laid down on her chest
I immediately stopped crying and looked up at my mother
My dad had videotaped the entire thing and left to go tell the rest of my family
We were moved into another room so family and friends could come and see
My uncle picked me up and started crying which is something he never does
He stayed all three days that my mother was in the hospital
We had every family member and tons of friends taking pictures and visiting
Some of my best friends were there to hold me just hours after I was born
My mom and dad were so proud and just wanted to show me off to the world

The author's comments:
this is the story of my birth

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