The Prairie | Teen Ink

The Prairie

May 10, 2012
By poetfan96 PLATINUM, Syracuse, Nebraska
poetfan96 PLATINUM, Syracuse, Nebraska
25 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you dont have to be what you dont want to be"

A smoky haze
Blinds the modern soul
An untouched prairie
Man cannot control
Long tall grasses
And mem’ries of past
‘Tis God’s will
That this beauty does last
I sit here alone
In the remnants of a trail
This beauty cannot be ranked
On an average scale
Four wagon wheels
Surround me now
On this wond’rous prairie
Untouched by the plow
Allowing us to see a land
So soft, so sweet
And ever so grand
May God see this place and smile
As I have today
On the prairie

The author's comments:
May 9, 2012 My Biology class went on a field trip to the Spring Creek Prairie Audobon Center in Denton, Nebraska. During one of our activities, we were asked to sit and write. I sat in the center of an old rut made by actual covered wagons. On each of my sides there was a wagon wheel standing in the ground. Giving me a mental and "spiritual" feel that I was somewhere amazing.

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