Don't Forget Me | Teen Ink

Don't Forget Me

July 2, 2012
By ByakkoWestGuardian SILVER, Summit, Arkansas
ByakkoWestGuardian SILVER, Summit, Arkansas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life moves so fast that if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."-Ferris Bueller

Strange sensations in the empty hollow where my heart used to be.
Neither of us should exist, but the bonds of friendship
Nothing changes the fact that we are friends.
Lies sting inside of me, Bizarre illusion of humanity
I'd do anything to stop my friends from being erased.
Please, my friend, even as you leave me, do me one favor.
I seek no forgiveness for keeping secrets from you.
Just don't forget me.
I know you have a heart, you're special, and you've somehow given me a heart.
No matter what happens,
when I find you, we'll bring back the good times.
Do you remember the ice cream and the sunsets?

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