Really? | Teen Ink


October 17, 2012
By streacy BRONZE, Glastonbury, Connecticut
streacy BRONZE, Glastonbury, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't be mean because no body likes an asshole" -Darren Criss

“She gave me a C on my paper. Can you believe her?”
“I know, dude. That is so gay.”
There are thousands of adjectives in the English language
And you chose gay?
I realized that you were born in the same town you currently live in
And every one in this town is the same
Rich, white, straight and cisgender.
So when something different comes along
Your immediate reaction is to make fun of it
But it’s okay because you are
“Just kidding”
Well those words could change a kid’s life
A kid who was just kicked out of his house for coming out to his parents
Could hear you ignorance and hate
And decide that he cant take it anymore
And that kid is found lying on the bathroom floor
Empty bottle of pills in his hand
And a week later you will be sitting in the auditorium
Listening to his father
Talk about his wonderful son
And demand for this hate to stop
When he had been doing the same all along
You will vow to all of your friends and family
That you will
Use gay negatively again
But we all know that in three months
When his death has been all but forgotten
By most of the school
You will be at it again
Calling your friends fags
And things gay
This will continue until the next gay teen is

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