Was that me? Before life changed? | Teen Ink

Was that me? Before life changed? MAG

November 2, 2012
By Anonymous

I look in the mirror. Is that me?
No. maybe. Could it be? Probably. Yes. I
think it is. But do I know me? Do you know
me? What do I look like? Who am I?
Was that me?
Before life changed?

I look in the mirror. I see a face. A different
face. Who is that? Do I know them? Have I seen
them before? No. wait. Yes. I have. At a house I
was at when I was younger. A reunion? A birthday? Something.
I remember, we share blood. What is your name? No name comes to mind.
Finally a name, but where is the face? You are my family. Why can't I
remember? You. I know you. You there sitting on the couch. Holding
the child. Singing and rocking back and forth. Your baby is crying. Wait that
baby looks like me.
Was that me?
Before life changes?

Every day I try. Try so hard. Not to fail.
I can't fail. Have to prove. Prove they are wrong.
I'll be something. Not nothing. I try so hard,
to give my best. Seven hours enslaved. No matter what, I will try.
I want to be the best. But I am always one. One what? One step
behind. Feel something. What? What do I feel? Anger? No. Sadness?
Not for this. Stress? Frustration? Yes, always. I never stressed.
Was that me?
Before life changed?

What's wrong? What's wrong? Stop!
I hate that. Hate what? That
question. Why? Why do you hate it? Because.
Because why? Because if I knew what was wrong.
Don't you think I would tell you. Would you tell me? Yes.
Are you sure? Yes. How do you not know what's wrong? These feelings
don't let me. What feelings? The feelings inside. What
are they? I don't know. How do you not know
what you feel? It's a burst. A burst
of different emotions. Jumbled. They are
all jumbled into one. One what? One
feeling. Describe this feeling. What's it like?
This paper. How? The words. Clarify.
They come from the heart. Whose heart?
My heart. Who is this?
This is my.
When life changed.

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This article has 1 comment.

ProudTeach said...
on Nov. 6 2012 at 11:31 am
What a voice! What a depth of feeling! Wow!