There's A Time | Teen Ink

There's A Time

November 16, 2012
By Anonymous

There's a time when we all want to give up and say goodbye; there's a time that i close my eyes, see your face and begin to cry.
There's a time for games and a time to play your role, there's a time through all heated moments though your mind is froze.
There's a time to feel guilty a time to plead, a time for prisoners, though you should be free.
A time to be sad but more times of joy; a time of compassion, laugh as if life is your favorite toy.
A time to be mad a time to show your dimples, a time to save time being good; which i know isn't simple.
A time to cry, a time to be strong, a time to hold back and a time to carry on.
A time to smile; a time to frown listen to Mary Mary , don't give up now.
A time to come home when the time is right; laying beside your loved every upcoming night.

The author's comments:
This was my inspiration poem to my uncle who is in prison.

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