Beautiful Blue, Bad Blue | Teen Ink

Beautiful Blue, Bad Blue

November 28, 2012
By VioletBreaths BRONZE, Bangalore, Other
VioletBreaths BRONZE, Bangalore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep it simple,not silly

The colour blue represents so much to me and you.
To us it;s the colour of calm and peace.
With it,it seems like all wars should cease.
It helps us to speak what is good and true.

It's the colour friends think of when they proclaim
that they'll stick together better than glue.
It helps us when we really need to get a clue
and stop acting so silly and lame.

Azure,Cerulean and turquoise are a different name.
To represent the shades of the colour-dark and bright.
All of these colours are a calming sight
and mere variations of the colour same.

When people are angry and sad,beautiful often becomes blight,
In their eyes,good becomes bad,clear becomes blurry.
They start associating positive with negative in a hurry
and innocent colours like blue give them a fright.

When in your soul, unhappy emotions start to flurry,
And what you thought was beauty,now seems crude
and makes you think of hunger after days without food,
Your previous values run away and scurry.

We the same people in a gloomy mood
Think of the colour blue as drab and sad.
Darker shades of blue seem evil and bad,
When we really are ready to brood.

The same colour which once made us so glad,
Now is related to everything depressing.
Now,the colour which made you so happy you could sing,
Makes you think of insanity and people gone mad.

The colour which once let you feel hope
has discoloured and now looks terribly unkind.
But,if you look, in a different state of mind,
The colour will be just as pretty as before you fell down the slippery slope.

The author's comments:
Sometimes people seem so hypocrytical. Sometimes people change their mind way too quickly.
This was part of what inspirde me to wirte this poem. Of course,their was the fact that blue has a lot of depth and it's assosciated with a whole horde of things. Hope you enjoy the poem.

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