Out of the Heart | Teen Ink

Out of the Heart

November 28, 2012
By ThirdPageMaster PLATINUM, Fort Hood, Texas
ThirdPageMaster PLATINUM, Fort Hood, Texas
21 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Wishes can come true. But not if you wait for miracles. Miracles are things that we make happen. Here and now.

Out of the Heart
Out of Darkness, shines the Light
Out of Hatred, flourishes Love
Out of Fear, Courage soars
Out of Misery, Happiness is gifted
Out of Pain, a Cure is found
Out of Tears, Blossoms a smile
Out of Weakness, overwhelming Strength grows
Out of Silence, there is a Sound
The Sound of a thumping heart
A heart that has Vanquished the darkness
A heart that Silences the hatred
A heart that Braved the fear
A heart that Released the misery
A heart that Erased the pain
A heart that Wipes Away the tears
A heart that Battled weakness
A heart that Broke the silence
That heart has Survived
That heart has Evolved
That heart was touched by the very thing we all need


The author's comments:
Never let your heart give in because it is much too powerful to do so. Let the powers from within you uplift you to what is good and pure.

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