You Are You | Teen Ink

You Are You

November 28, 2012
By Ashley100 BRONZE, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Ashley100 BRONZE, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

Beyond your looks
Beyond your smarts
Beyond your likes
Beyond your heart

There exists a place for everyone
A place to feel special and alive
Somewhere to fit with no one
To discourage your drive

Step to the right

the “cool” clash out at others

why only to make themselves feel better

for low self esteem will be covered

if and only if you hurt him/her

Step back in line
Personalities of your own kind
Happiness and comfort provide a sign
People who make others feel good you’ll find

Step to your left
it is funny to cause pain
come backs are the hip things
pointing and laughing is the main
way to cause those popular stings

Once back to your place

You can take a sigh and breathe

As you wipe away any nerves form your face

Tension spills out and vanishes through your teeth

Step forward
Those little names you yell at others
Hurt a great deal more than you think
Socially and emotionally they pick our colors
We try to escape from the humiliation though a blink

Step back to your line

You love your friends and would do anything to protect them

Movies, mall… anything together brings joy; both are a sign

That true friendship exists within our limbs

Step backwards
Shoot spit balls, throw food, and gum
Hit! Turn away giggle and precede on to yet another soul
You sit there blushing and run your thumb
Through your hair, only to find a wad of gum and paper rolls

Back to your place
Where your friends and you create your own zoo
A smile will surface to you face
You’ll realize you’re lucky to be you

Love the people who treat you right
Stand up against the ones who don’t
Out show everyone in sight
Don’t take their silly games thrown at you, and let it be known!

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