Christmas Time | Teen Ink

Christmas Time

December 5, 2012
By martin1 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
martin1 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Christmas time is merry, Christmas time is bright.
The trees are all barren and the moon is a shining light.
The snow on the ground is sparkling in the sun,
and the I'm sitting at home with my hair in a bun.

The wind is picking up, blowing twenty miles and hour,
and the weather is making me all but dour.
I love the cold and the fashion that goes along,
but the winter that I love seems much too long.

The spring will shortly come in full force,
and the bunnies will definitely not coerce.
The spring is beautiful with flowers and rain,
But what I love most is how it is so urbane.

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