Tick. Tick. | Teen Ink

Tick. Tick.

December 7, 2012
By JenaB BRONZE, Piedmont, South Dakota
JenaB BRONZE, Piedmont, South Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. ~Les Brown

Tick. Tick.

The air is bone dry,
As if all the humidity has been sucked away.
Slowly, the evening goes by,
One slow minute after the other.
No one is home
I feel isolated,
Like a lost child in the woods.
Even then, at least nature
Could give some comfort.
There is nothing to do, nothing to accomplish,
Not a chore or assignment in sight.
The only sound is the clock.
Tick. Tick.

I watch the little arrows,
They seem to move slower.. slower... slower.....
Soon enough I drown out the sound,
Time seems to have slowed to a stop
I hear nothing but my breath.
It is as if I am in space
Where no sounds exist,
You could watch a star explode
And hear no sound.
Desperate, I take out my phone,
The only connection I have,
Each person person in my contacts do not reply.
Maybe I am all alone.
The clock resumes to
Tick. Tick.

The clock chimes seven
My head chimes eleven.
Breathing becomes difficult,
The air gets dryer around me
Choking out the happiness,
Wrenching my neck with iron hands
The cold shivery touch killing vibrance.
I open my mouth to suck in a breath of air,
But I only make my throat dry and itchy.
All I want is to breathe
Air that isn't as boring as watching paint dry.
The sound of the clock,
It drags my mind away from my thoughts.
Tick. Tick.

The wind blows outside,
Tapping the window behind me.
It wants me to come outside,
To run through the yellows and oranges
Fluttering peacefully to the ground.
The idea leaves as soon as it came,
Lightning cracks across the darkening sky,
Scaring away the peace.
The whole house shutters, creaks, and moans,
Frightened of the dangerous sky above.
The wind becomes angry
It dares me to cross its path.
I stay and wonder
What possibly would tick off mother nature?
Colors turn grey all around me,
The walls, the furniture, the outside storm.
Only five long minutes pass.
Tick. Tick.

The clock keeps ticking,
I stare at the bland wall in front of me,
The end of the night seems so far away.
Bored, I tap my fingers against the coffee table,
Keeping rhythm with the snoring clock,
The sound of my nails hitting the wood echoes
TAP... Tap... tap.
Five sluggish minutes pass,
I lay back against the arm chair, motionless.
My eyes felt heavy
My mind was drowsy
Yet there was no wink of sleep.
I think quietly in the storm,
One second... two seconds.
Tick. Tick.

On ticks this clock
But it is only a lackadaisical attempt
Half heartedly moving to the next second... minute... hour.
Time moves on
Phlegmatic to what happens around it
Or how lifeless the pace is set.
The timekeeper is a laggard
Wanting to stray in one spot for what seems forever.
It has an apathetic way to listlessly disregard
Your hopes and pleads for a better night.
Why must it be so torpid
So lazy, slow, numb, and motionless?
It acts as though it is comatose
Or unconscious to its senseless dragging.
Yet it keeps moving
Tick. Tick.

I crawl towards my room
To be in my only sanctuary.
The darkness is only worse
It brings cold, dead silence.
Not even the ticking of a clock can be heard.
I am forced to face my memories,
Why did I let myself dig this deep?
Time seems to stretch on forever
As I think of the damage I have done,
I can only do what others would do,
Slowly heal the pain away
A task easier said than done.
Outside my closed door
Faintly, I can hear the
Tick. Tick.

It seems as though time is stealing my happiness,
Taking it for itself,
The soft but concrete tick tock is mocking me
Driving my insanity up the wall.
I can’t stand it anymore.
So I tune into my Ipod
The music covers the sound.
Words flow out of my mouth,
A melody that I know so well
Singing away those bad memories.
I’m sick of this quiet
Strapping me down to this sick normality!
Breaking free is my only option,
To somehow escape from the clock controlling me.

My music amps louder
Blasting away the quiet and time
Giving me a pathway out of this reality
So that I can see the world for its true colors.
I fight for the prize
Of happiness and a life.
Self confidence doesn’t come easy,
It doesn’t come in a little box,
I have to find it myself.
However, the more I desperately search,
The more I get lost
So I let myself roam free in this jumble.
The song ends.
Tick. Tick.

If time can beat music
How will I ever beat time?
Time is created through the blankets of space,
To create an alternative universe is impossible.
In the dark, I give up,
The hole in my heart opens to the bore of humanity.
All I want to do shine bright,
Emitting yellows, greens, and blues.
But I give up,
Time has won.
Tick. Tick.

The door slowly opens
And I can hardly believe my sight.
A head peeks through the crack,
Looking at me in the dark.
I have never been so happy to see my dad’s face,
He can be a jerk sometimes.
Whispering, he tells me to go back to bed,
He clicks the door shut,
Quiet spreads throughout the house.
The clock ticks on,
Daring to make the only noise.
I envy that clock,
All day I have been glaring at it
Yet, it strongly ticks on
Proudly accomplishing its duties.
I want to be as brave as that clock,
To keep ticking through the worst that life can throw at me.
Tick. Tick.

To be brave
To keep moving
To prove this world wrong.
The good dreams start playing,
Rolling from scene to scene,
Letting me live in true romance
And experience adventures that are only seen in movies.
Slow down..
The dreams are going to fast,
The laughter zooms by, where are they going?
I bend down on my knees
Covering my head with my hands,
Time! Please! Slow down!
Tick! Tick!

All I want is to keep feeling this happiness
But my dreams dash by
They run faster than me!
How can that be?
I curse the clock for listening to me
Maybe I shouldn’t try to change the way things are meant to be.

I roll over awakened by my alarm,
Time moves slowly, groggy
Keeping pace with my tired mind.
I look at the clock shuffling beside me,
Smiling, I look away
Emerging my spoon into my bowl of Apple Jacks.
If time can roll with the punches
So can I.
Tick. Tick.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece on a day that I was obviously bored to death. It started out good so I kept writing. I hope you like it.

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