The Song of the Birds | Teen Ink

The Song of the Birds

December 15, 2012
By GMS1997 BRONZE, Grant, Florida
GMS1997 BRONZE, Grant, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun shining o’ so bright,
and many birds taking flight;
but two birds left in the tree
sing in such great harmony.
Their song is sung with such ease
that others join as they please,
and as the day starts to end
those little birds did not ascend.
In the tree they lead a choir,
and their song continued to transpire.
In the darkness of the night,
many others were filled with fright.
But the little birds continued to sing
and to that tree they still did cling.
Then as they day came again
the birds still sang with peaceful Zen.
They sang until the next day would come,
but soon two birds had turned to one.
That little bird still did sing
and to the other’s spirit he would cling,
but as the third day came to end,
the bird took flight without his friend

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