12 years i will never get back | Teen Ink

12 years i will never get back

December 6, 2012
By Anonymous

Bruised Beaten Broken and Torn
Sometimes wishing never to be born
Throat sore from yelling
Eyes raw from tears
Welcome to 12 years
That i will never get back
They were my family
This is true
But what do i get from you
That make tears burn my eyes
We were family
You were like my parents
Yet one thing different
From almost every other
I was abused
Scarred for life
By role models
People who helped raise me
To be who i am
Not knowing who i am
Hiding deep inside
From the outside world
Not showing my eyes
And what lies beneath the innocent blue
Taking blows day by day
Now wanting to feel this way
Its cruel
What one mistake can do to you
When its not even your fault
Waiting to be healed is your only hope
Feeling normal again
May not return
The memories still linger
Waiting to burn

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem about my past January 4the 2012 when i was 15. Since theen i have learned so much more about life and i know I'm going to be OK. I am in theerapy for my past and I'm healing and i will not be scarred for life. I am a very happy person know and wiser theen i have been.

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