Sea Blue Eyes | Teen Ink

Sea Blue Eyes

December 16, 2012
By megan_schaffner BRONZE, Pequannock, New Jersey
megan_schaffner BRONZE, Pequannock, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“So, I guess we are who we are for alot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them.”
― Stephen Chbosky

Within the first few seconds,
her sea blue eyes flutter open,
absorbing the world around them like
a sponge,
speedily engulfing any and everything to be found.

Time moves on, to
silly sandbox adventures.
Her sea blue eyes fly around the room
like an airplane scanning for movement on an unfamiliar coastline.
Excited prattle rushes from wall to wall, an uncontrollable energy,
a fog of hello’s leaving no room for
the loneliness of goodbye’s.

Then, like a traveler without a map or directions,
her sea blue eyes grope around a new land.
A land of colors, brightness, opportunity,
yet a land of unknown waters nonetheless.
Hands clinging helplessly to loose pebbles
are soon saved by a smiling familiar face.

Friendships accelerate the next handful of years,
tightening the circle, but always leaving room for
Her sea blue eyes sparkle with confidence, feeling unstoppable,
until the road suddenly plummets from beneath
her feet.
All the bridges she spent endless time building,
she suddenly just watches burn down.
The constant push and pull of everything difficult engrains itself
into her daily routine.
An unwanted roller coaster threatens to collapse,
until one more crack sends it tumbling down.
Swears of vengeful backstabbing.
Hope seems to have abandoned those sea blue eyes,
as the sky relentlessly opens up on her cheeks in the form of
tears, too thick to even see your own hands,
days too long to even bear.

Then the long-awaited remedy patches to holes,
covers the cuts and bruises,
resiliently rebuilds from the wreckage.
Her sea blue eyes, now dry,
see deep into her own soul, her ocean of secrets and dreams,
a diary written for only those eyes
She now knows all that she ever wanted.
Though back on the bottom of society,
she soars on top of the world.
Her heart paves the unbelievable road ahead for her,
stepping out onto a limb, and then returning triumphantly.
She conquers Kilimanjaro,
glides over glaciers,
and flies over valleys of faults.
Finally, she feels

As for the future,
it is her own blank canvas.
No matter how many ideas are fed to her,
those sea blue eyes are determined not to worry, and stop to smell the roses
today has to offer.
Like anything else there will always be cracks along the way,
but she leaps over them with fingers crossed,
ready to paint the life she always wanted.

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