Confrontation | Teen Ink


December 10, 2012
By Anonymous

I see the mist in the deep horizon
The dark aura so stark
I gather my troops, ready to fight
And I gallantly trudge through the dark

My sword is sharpened
I am prepared
The evil mist still isn’t scared

With all my will and all my might
I’m ready to clash, battle, and fight
But so a is he

Our eyes interlock, an eternal gaze
In vain I try to come to an end
Trapped in the horrid, haunting haze

The mist begins to consume me
It slowly eats at my veins
Attacked at the top and bottom
There is no time to complain

I slash and swing with all my might
That satanic mist puts forth a strong fight
I fall and desperately cry to a raven
I beg and plead to enter Heaven

My heart strongly beating
I lift up my shield
I shove real hard
A victory

But there's still more to come
The war isn't won
As I grapple with the rebellious son

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