Paris,France | Teen Ink


January 5, 2013
By Hannah Rees SILVER, Cambridge, Other
Hannah Rees SILVER, Cambridge, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Paris, France
Will I ever make it there?
Will I ever be able to see,
What lies within the heart of that amazing city?

My dreams have been kept in an empty jar,
all my life they have wanted to go far.
Far, far away into a land full of lights.
With beautiful days and life- thrilling nights.

What is the matter with this dream of mine?
Is it realistic? Shall I even try?
I know I should, that it must come true.
To make all of my prayers and wishes come through.

A place of love spread within,
A place of poetry, which is pretty much what my whole life has been.
Please Great Spirit, lead me to this place.
To where will bring me love,
to where will bring me grace.

This is the place to be.
Paris, France,
is a part of me.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem because I have always wanted to go to Paris, so it comes from the heart. I still, one day, hope to make it there: the place of poetry.

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