Colors Express Themselves | Teen Ink

Colors Express Themselves

January 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Red is pain, red is hurt
but red is also powerful,
Red is royal
its shows culture. Red is on every flag
It is a symbol of the kings and queens of old
Blood, red
Fire, red
Sun, red

Blue is the color of the ocean,
but also the color of the sky,
two vast unexplored regions of the world
Blue represents freedom, open space
Blue is peaceful and brings calmness.

Black is darkness. It is like the dark raven that brings a plague
Black is unknown, it cannot be controlled.
Black represents death, it is evil
Controlled by evil spirits and other unpleasant creatures
Black is fear
Black is lifeless
Black is evil

White is pure,
opposite of the dark
God versus the devil,
God the light, the white, prevails
White represents hope,
like a dove bringing the olive branch to Noah
White is the ultimate form of calmness and peacefulness

The author's comments:
Colors that occur in my life on an everyday basis inspired me to write this piece. People should understand how colors can tell stories and give emotions.

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