Untitled | Teen Ink


January 15, 2013
By MoralDekay BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
MoralDekay BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cold autumn dew slipping down the leaves of summer
It is I who who witnessed the passing of seasons 
Affiliating myself with those who chose to affiliate with nothing
 Streams of wisdom pass through my cold nostrils engulfing my lungs with happiness and disbelief 
I take in the coldness I embrace and kiss it like an old forgotten friend 
It remembers me more then I it.
We laugh while tears of sorrow swell in our eyes  we are madly madly in love with each other but rather our minds we smile at our faults and take them in as warm hands helping mold our characters into figures of normality we welcome death with shouts of unexplainable expression we show her the seasons

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