Escape | Teen Ink


January 17, 2013
By Jkings SILVER, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Jkings SILVER, Rochester Hills, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Majority is a hollow bank.
Nothing to give,
nothing to take.
Odd because it needs most to make.

Filled to the tippy top
with nothing but robots.
Copy of the next guy,
no we don’t all like apple pie.

Try and make me quiet,
as the calm wind.
I listen to no one,
because I’m stuck in a world of sin.

What I write isn’t right?
Let’s see if this knife fits tight.
But I don’t really like to fight,
unless it’s standing up for what’s right.

Bred to be the same,
but came out ruthless.

Wars for the military.
Another lie
I found out,
just like the tooth fairy.

Peace, love, sin, hate.
All sound the same to me.
Don’t to you?
Must be living in a dream.

They say “Strength in numbers.”
Best ideas come when far from another.
Stay all alone.
Let my mind go in alone.

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