The Cloud | Teen Ink

The Cloud

January 31, 2013
By Benjamin Bellman BRONZE, Larkspur, California
Benjamin Bellman BRONZE, Larkspur, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember long ago,
A time when I was still an adolescent.
It was a scorching hot August day,
That changed my life forever.

I saw an extraordinary cloud,
As it passed by, we could see it all clearly.

It was beautiful,
It was grand,
Shaped like a giant brain.

Everyone staring at it wide-eyed,
We wondered what had happened.
We could see it from afar,
It conquered countryside after countryside.

Oh how I wanted my love to be there with me,
She’d have spoken softly and covered me with kisses.

We couldn’t help but admire this original spectacle,
It left us hypnotized.
Leaving behind in its beautiful wake,
A utopic scene.

It was only then I realized,
How my comrades were paralyzed.
Could this be a sign from God?
That the worst was over and all would be better?

It was beautiful,
It was hot,
We watched it from high above.

We observed from our airplane,
Our mission complete,
We returned to our homeland.
Goodbye Japan

The author's comments:
I originally wrote this poem in french.I was inspired to write this poem during history class when we were talking about the atrocity of war. I hope that people will understand the poem as its ending is quite surprising.

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