Lost at Sea | Teen Ink

Lost at Sea

February 9, 2013
By kittenmiyaaa SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
kittenmiyaaa SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The strongest people aren't always the ones that win, but the people who don't give up when they lose. - Ashley Hodgeson

I am a note in a bottle,
Lost at sea,
With an ancient, long-forgotten purpose
Like a song without a melody.
I set out on my journey
Young and unafraid
But soon the monstrous waves had beaten my dreams away.

So here I am:
Tossed to a fro by gales of various size.
I ride the surf
Day after day,
My dreams slowly fading like the light in the sky.
I soak up the sun
Day after day,
My edges now brown and withered away.

But oh, such hope comes with the night,
When the stars come out
And comets take flight!
Such color
Such beauty
Such unashamed splendor.
My dreams reborn.
My fears dissolved.
How I long to be found;
Will it be a child building sandcastles with care?
Or a love-sick youth tossing rocks to the waves?
Or a lonely old man, his wife but a memory?
Or a young woman, longing so for a family?
Whose life will I change?
Whose dreams will unfold
When inside their hands my words they hold?

Alas! The sun!
Hark, it comes!
The diamonds of the night fade to embers.
With the sun’s approaching rays
I hear barely a whisper of life.
And I am left,
A mere note in a bottle,
Lost at sea.

The author's comments:
Sometimes in life we feel directionless, purposeless and without hope. I want those who feel that way to read this poem and feel like they can completely relate to the emotion portrayed in these words.

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