Sparks Under the Moonlight | Teen Ink

Sparks Under the Moonlight

February 19, 2013
By Hannah Rees SILVER, Cambridge, Other
Hannah Rees SILVER, Cambridge, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As we walked along the rocky road on the dusk of that fire- surrounded night,
his big brown eyes glimmered under the shining gold of the moonlight.

We looked up at the gleaming bright stars shining down upon us,
the closeness of our shadows brought my heart a delightful rush.

Even though our walk had barely begun,
without even attempting; my heart he had won.

Our awkward chit-chat echoed in the oh-so-quiet park,
my words attempting to match his, hoping not to break the spark.

I walked the perimeter of the park by his side with him then,
and as we approached our destination campsite, I didn’t want my joy to end.

I wondered what he thought- about me, about the world.
Was I a part of his mind? Or to him was I just another girl?

I would never know what he was thinking,
so for him, I would just have to fight,
and I would enjoy the comfort of his presence in the dusk of that fire-surrounded night.

The author's comments:
This poem was based on a real happening of mine from this summer. I went to a campsite with my Dad and my neighbours and one of my neighbours was my crush. We took a walk under the stars and talked together. It felt magical :)

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