Stormy Skies | Teen Ink

Stormy Skies

February 19, 2013
By Hannah Rees SILVER, Cambridge, Other
Hannah Rees SILVER, Cambridge, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A shade of grey fills the once blue sky,
a teardrop falling from the souls.

The people of the heavens bowling hard strikes and spares,
Creating a ruckus for us down here.

The monstrous anger of the sky sending beams of light onto the earth.
Today it must be very mad.

Sometimes a swirl of black peers through the clouds; moving faster than ever before,
And the sense of fear lingers through all the streets surrounding.

The skies’ blemishes clear up quick, a brilliant blue surrounds the world.
The bowling tournament comes to end and the anger turns back to happiness.

The crying of the souls ends, though its tears left lingering on the earth,
The air moistened and soft, a new day yet to begin.

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