The Third Planet 400 Million Years Ago | Teen Ink

The Third Planet 400 Million Years Ago

February 28, 2013
By derek1995 BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
derek1995 BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In this very place that we stand
Things were different.
A profound story is told to
those who seek knowledge.

The Third Planet, place of wonder.
The earth presented
The concept of plate tectonics.
Visitors ascend
Through an ornate limestone cavern,
And learn the many
Processes that once shaped the earth.

Here, people can learn Wisconsin’s
Geologic past
Through the diorama named the
Silurian Reef.
It shows how this area looked
A long time ago;
The earth covered by shallow sea.
And earlier yet,
Our state was engulfed in glaciers.

In this exhibit,
You can see rebuilt skeletons,
And a mastodon.

The Third Planet truly shows a
Beautiful depiction of a
Prehistoric time long ago.

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