The Great Find | Teen Ink

The Great Find

February 28, 2013
By BradyBruss12 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
BradyBruss12 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

14,500 years ago,
Excavated from Kenosha County
In the mid 1990’s on the farm,
One of the earliest pieces of life
The Hebior mammoth was found by man.

This find is significant for reasons;
Found 30 miles from the museum,
A farmer found a large bone in the fields,
Researchers knew it was a mammoth bone,
85 percent of the bones were found.

There’s butchering marks on some of the bones,
14,500 years ago,
Is when the mammoth’s death was said to be,
Man existed earlier then we thought,
1000 years earlier then we thought.

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