what i see upon my eye | Teen Ink

what i see upon my eye

February 28, 2013
By sammi1996 BRONZE, Harford, Wisconsin
sammi1996 BRONZE, Harford, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What I see upon my eye
It soars through the sky!
It’s high above my reach
but I hound it down.
I see marvelous wings
and I see beauty
My mom rushes over
She notices this
rare specimen I see
her eyes gaze at it
A bird wing butterfly!
It is that she says
my eyes can’t leave this
beautiful bird wing
It has swirls of violet!
shades of shamrock green!
and polka dots of pink!
Its flying away
into the colorful
sunset in the sky
Goodbye little bird wing
butterfly I see

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