Tiffany Lamps | Teen Ink

Tiffany Lamps

February 28, 2013
By katelynduranso SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
katelynduranso SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sun lowers down, night rises.
The delicate glow dazzles,
The stained glass darkens in sight.
The pull chain sways....

Covered as the night settles,
Orange light underneath the shade,
Vibrant color pattern forward.
The pull chain sways....

Cold night and the darkened mood,
The day slowly disappears,
Relaxing with sinful peace.
The pull chain sways....

Yanking the chain, light is gone.
Warm and settled into the dark,
Eyes close for a simple rest.
The pull chain sways....

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