Hope for the Future | Teen Ink

Hope for the Future

February 28, 2013
By Kacey22 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kacey22 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Made with infinite love.
Passed through generations.
Gives hope for the future.

Symbolizing imagination.
An escape from the present struggles.
Provides comfort to the beholder.

It promotes equality,
Says her confident mother.
And supports ethnicity.

Thinking about the past.
Horrible memories.
She holds the doll closer.

How can such an innocent girl,
be surrounded by so much hate?
She lives amongst complete hatred.

She’s only 6, yet she’s seen so much.
She’s witnessed horrifying events;
Events that will haunt her forever.

Remembering what her mother said;
It will Strengthen the young and weak,
In hopes of a better future.

Once a naive little girl;
Now strong and educated.
She is the future for us.

The author's comments:
Written about the Works Progress Administration Handicraft Collection at the Milwaukee Public Museum

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