Japanese Friendship Dolls | Teen Ink

Japanese Friendship Dolls

February 28, 2013
By ryanmurray GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
ryanmurray GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From the Land of the Rising Sun

to the Land of the Free.

I leave my home the next morning,

Preserving peace through figures.
Bidding my friends a goodbye,
Goodwill within forgiving hearts.
Lost but never forgotten

Now I prepare for flight.
Delicate Kimono of silk,
I vanished. Lost in voyage.
Rare in the collector’s eye.
Arrived in America!
Endless stories in fabric
Lost but never forgotten

Unabridged, a youthful home
Restoration, at its roots.
I yearn for others to make it.
Missing dolls make endless hunts,
praying for them safe travels.
Camouflaged from the world.
Lost but never forgotten.

The author's comments:
This is a tale of how a Japanese doll traveled to America because Japan and the United States used Dolls to show their strong bond.

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