Nightmare World | Teen Ink

Nightmare World

March 12, 2013
By Brychette SILVER, Fort Myers, Florida
Brychette SILVER, Fort Myers, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I have not failed; I have simply found 10,000 ways it won’t work.”

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but sometimes you may have to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.”

Little one, I draw you on my wrist,
Praying that you could help me.
Help take these thoughts away.
It's only getting worse..

I keep holding back...
Nothing fully satisfies me..
No, not one bit..

I shiver, I quiver,
I tremble, I mutter.
This doesn't help.
Yet makes it worse.
How can I believe in a false hope?
How can I dream of a false future?

Little butterfly,
Please help guide me..
I'll draw you mountains,
I'll write you lullaby’s,
I'll show you beauty,
I'll let you hear the grace of nature.

Anything, just give me this little desire..

Take these thoughts away from me..
Take these emotions away from me..
I don't want them anymore.
I don't want them near me.
Get these etched carvings away from my head.
Get these etched memories away from my being...

If I'm not a mistake, what is?
If I'm not wrong, then who is?
If I don't feel, then why are things stirring up inside of me?
Why don't you let me be?

Little Butterfly,
You remind me of an old friend..
My demon,
My damned demon.
My Black Bird.
You are the sweet, gorgeous, graceful, majestic side of this
Black and cold hearted, sadistic, cruel creature.
Why did I want this demon back?
Maybe I didn't like being alone..

No one can hear my thoughts.
I like that.
But maybe.. Is it that I want the opposite?

No one can hear me.
And I am leaving it that way.
You, little butterfly,
Are the Sweet Dream of this Beautiful Nightmare.

The author's comments:
This is the story of what I can sometimes do in my life.

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