Poetry on Poetry | Teen Ink

Poetry on Poetry

March 2, 2013
By abconwell BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
abconwell BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sigh. Another 40 minute lesson on poetry today.
the assignment-Write a poem about something you love or something you hate.
Hmm. I'll write about something I hate.
so I think.
and I think
and I wait…
I hate poetry.
it really beats me how all these other people think
of amazing masterpieces spilled out in ink
wonderful works of art-
words flow from sentence to glorious sentence,
eloquently communicating deep thoughts and ideas, controversial topics,
causing every last person who reads it to think and ponder
on the meaning of it all.
and maybe just maybe,
I personally
lack the "sufficient skills" to produce this poetry
because about halfway through
I start to lose the will to spread out my thoughts, touch a pencil to the paper and pour out my presence.
the awkward words, badly timed rhymes
all make for a poem with terrible lines
I also have to worry about being too "prosey"

and that
is just
the writing.
Then comes the performance, and how am I supposed to stand up here and entertain
when I don’t even have a good poem in the first place!
but with spoken word I need to be heard
enunciating and pausing for dramatic effect
and hope that the audience will have left
with the underlying message I wanted them to take
And now I sit and write poems about something I hate.
and I

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