BLEEP | Teen Ink


March 3, 2013
By Artsygirl1203 SILVER, Bronx, New York
Artsygirl1203 SILVER, Bronx, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

BLEEP happens when you see someone you love at the verge of EXPLODING!
BLEEP happens when you hold a grudge whenever something “bad” happens
BLEEP is meant to happen to the “bad” things start to appear in your mind
BLEEP is when I look at myself in the mirror.
Looking at BIG FAT BLOB! In the Mirror!
I use this word as a weapon to myself
I don't regret it
BLEEP happens when you are in a fight involving some you hate or you love
BLEEP is just a word to cover the truth behind something you Might regret
BLEEP is the time you love yourself or hate yourself
BLEEP happens when you see little girls and boys on the street with guns or babies or condoms
BLEEP..... Now is that a shame?
BLEEP is when the “ Children of Children” go on to be like their role models..... Presidents, Lawyers, Doctors, or even Teachers.... At least that is what most people think.
BLEEP “ Mama”, how I wish that you realize my hatred for my body.

BLEEP is the first time that see yourself as “another person”
BLEEP the world is BLEEP up
Nobody is perfect
BLEEP happens when people discourage the fact that they can “ Still Rise”.
BLEEP happens when the love of you life is stuck with “ The Bottle”
Pawning everything that he or she owns.
BLEEP this is not FAIR!
I live in a city with "concrete jungles in my view".
BLEEP is the kind of word that is shown in movies to express the actors anger, sadness ,or even happiness.
Did you ever want to feel happy but never could have?
BLEEP Is all one has to say to regain confidence or so I've heard
People use BLEEP as a term to change or to create a situation
Most people don't even the person using it, is a change person
Once you see the world right in front of you
You see a whole new part of you

The author's comments:
This is about holding that begins to crack from the inside
And only you notice

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