The Sailor | Teen Ink

The Sailor

March 18, 2013
By zphysicscat18 SILVER, Ypsilanti, Michigan
zphysicscat18 SILVER, Ypsilanti, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am not Shakespeare and I am not Edna Saint Vincent Millay and I am not Mark Twain, but I am someone, I am my self, I am not the next one of them, all I want is to make a name for myself and I will gosh darn it!

The sailor leaves the land
on his own
to find himself
among the dark waves
the ghosts of his past
appear everywhere
but dissipate
beneath the glassy surface
of the ocean

the sailor runs his hand
among the ripples
his boat has made
how long he has suffered in life
how quickly his love
the sea
could take it with her blade

the sailor
knows he is a coward
he cannot stay with his love for long
nor can he indulge
to let her take him in her arms

so the sailor will lay with the sea
only after his time is complete
he will finally know
what love is
his pain will reside on the land
and the victorious sea
will take his soul

The author's comments:
This poem is about how when you go to a place you love, your worries melt away, but you have to go back to real life eventually.

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