Hope's Prayer | Teen Ink

Hope's Prayer

March 19, 2013
By Kimmmchiii. SILVER, Northridge, California
Kimmmchiii. SILVER, Northridge, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here lies a girl with broken dreams,
as she struggles to fly with her broken wings.
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, she pleads and pleads,
help me put my life back together, and lead.
The darkness surrounds her here and there,
as she struggles to see the light everywhere.
What she wanted soon became clear,
and all she had to do was look in the mirror.
"I want a good future, I want to be loved,
I don't want to be stuck in the darkness, being shoved."
The girl then decided on one more thing,
and that was the happiness, she would bring.
"I will look forward to tomorrow,
and I won't bring myself more sorrow."
These fallen feathers will be the key,
to help open up, the real me.

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