What the Water Took Away | Teen Ink

What the Water Took Away

March 7, 2013
By Artsygirl1203 SILVER, Bronx, New York
Artsygirl1203 SILVER, Bronx, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sunday morning
and I wake up to the a calm bird chirping haven
I am alone and wonder about the house and find myself lost in the strange abyss that surrounds me.
Then I feel this chill that coerces me from all over.
It’s the wind
The blue waters the surround my haven
start to rock back and fourth
towards my haven
Then finally reaches my haven.
The birds fly and I am left in the cold water.
I swim to reach high ground.
I stumble across rocks and gravel
The Birds are there
I look behind me
My haven is destroyed
No trees, No Home
I see nothing.
On this Blue Day I awoke to a Calm Bird Chirping Haven

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