The Broken Mirror | Teen Ink

The Broken Mirror

March 13, 2013
By Charles_Markus_VII BRONZE, Lehi, Utah
Charles_Markus_VII BRONZE, Lehi, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"After all is said and done, you can't go pleasing everyone, so just screw it."-John Lennon, "I'm stepping out"

Reflecting on a truth

A half truth of that

Nothing to be taken

Nothing taken back

The shattered pieces

Each reflect some light

But everyone who takes them

Is bound to start a fight

The pieces, a dangerous weapon

The wearers most sincere

To think their piece is most important

Though in war, turns their gears

What is it they see

How can I tell

When I only have a piece held by me

And in it I see a cell

To some they speak of water

Another speaks of blood

One speaks a name

The other denies their God

They with all their pieces

They in one accord

They who love their savior

But refuse to hear his word

The mirror a mere reflection

A reflection of his word

But each holder has construed them

To control the very world

So let the mirror be mended

Let the mirror be fixed

Let every living being

Find a lasting worthiness


The author's comments:
A commentary of the religious masses, to those that speak of many truths and hold only to a few.

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