Staying Strong | Teen Ink

Staying Strong

March 15, 2013
By WildThings920 BRONZE, Plainfield, Vermont
WildThings920 BRONZE, Plainfield, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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After everything I've told him, he still loves me.

Walking through these big church doors, noticing all as they sit around the crown. A crown of flowers built high, surrounding our princess who's soul has risen. As I look into the casket I see her there, laying still no longer flipping her hair. I want this to be a joke, a hoax just once. Beginning to burst out, I'm told to settle down. "Settle down for what is it you don't feel? The pain and the sorrow that still hasn't healed?" But then I look and see that all were shocked, realizing i threw the wrong rock. I say to myself it is time to stop, stay strong for yourself and others as well its protection for yourself.

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