One Beautiful Sunset | Teen Ink

One Beautiful Sunset

March 14, 2013
By Hannah Stadler SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Hannah Stadler SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is the only one who calms me down. I am the only one who patiently views it.
One beautiful sunset, with a face of blending color and the moon at its back. One who shows itself all around the world. One sunset who listens to my hopes and dreams. From my spot on the beach I can see it, but others around me think I’m imagining.

Its promise is secret. It sends my loving messages to my heart. It goes up to show its warmth, only for a short time and grazes the sky and never quits its smile. This is how it lives.

Let one forget his reason for being, it would stay hidden in the shadow of the moon. Dream, dream, dream sunset says when I watch. It reassures.

When I am too tired and confused to keep watching, when I am but one person amidst 7 billion others, it is then that I watch the sunset. When there is nothing left to keep me calm. One who shines despite angry waters. One who lights and doesn't forget to smile. One whose only reason is to provide serenity.

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