Not Afraid | Teen Ink

Not Afraid

March 21, 2013
By NoorN. SILVER, Manhasset, New York
NoorN. SILVER, Manhasset, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All of the doubts I had, now fading away.
I can touch the stars, I'm not afraid.
You're free to leave, I'm here to stay.
Theres nothing left I have to say.

I feel the magic touch, its unbelievable.
Don't tell me what to do I'm unstoppable.
My insides are all fully lit up.
Growing and growing, a fire buildup.

Bringing out colors, no more black and white.
No more living in dark, there's only sunlight.
All of the doubts I had, now fading away.
I can touch the stars, I'm not afraid.

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