Thoughts of You | Teen Ink

Thoughts of You

March 24, 2013
By TheAVirus BRONZE, Houston, Texas
TheAVirus BRONZE, Houston, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Beauty can't amuse you, but brainwork -- reading, writing, thinking--can.
~Helen Gurley Brown

I didn't think this would happen again.
You took me by surprise.
At first I ignored it,
I was spoken for then,
But now I can't.
The attraction is there
And I'm scared.
Scared I'll just ruin things once again.
Scared you'll ruin me as others have.
Scared you'll let me in while I lock you out.
Scared that I will let you in.
Scared that I'll get attached.
Scared that I won't.
Can I trust you?
You say that I can,
but for how long?
What if I find someone else?
What if you find someone else?
Must control.
Out of control.
Love or lust?
Too early to tell.
I've hidden myself away
But I want you to find me....

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