Why Try ? | Teen Ink

Why Try ?

March 27, 2013
By Anonymous

Imagine A Time..
When everything was absolutely right.
When you look forward to waking up the next day.
When You actually slept through the night.
When you finally felt peace,
That everything is going to be alright.
When all of a sudden, Your dreams,
Your hopes, Your strength, are gone forever.
All you want to do is scream,
" Please God, Tell me this is a dream! "
When you wake up in the morning,
To realize it's reality.
You try to fight the finality,
You just need a bit of normality.
You try not to think of " Why? "
All you do is cry.
You try to be angry with God,
But end up angry at yourself.
" Why didn't I just stay home that day? "
" Why can't anything ever go my way? "
You crawl out of bed,
Decide to give life another whirl.
You reach out, Some reach back.
Some don't even call back.
Just when you thought you had no more to lose,
You do.
Those people you thought to be your friends,
Just wanted you to use.
So you lay back down just wanting to snooze,
thinking, " Why me? Is it how I choose? "
You begin to give up, You don't see a reason any longer, to even wake up.
Then all of a sudden you hear,
The sound of a phone ring, or a knock on the door.
Someone there to tell you not to give up,
You're worth so much more.
You begin to cry,
While this other person is wondering why.
You try to say, Thank you for being my friend today,
If it weren't for you I would have given up, and died..
You now know the answer of why.
It's to remind you, to never give up,
and to always try. Now when I cry,
I know and don't ask why.
I get out of bed, and again, I try.

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