White Rabbits | Teen Ink

White Rabbits

March 30, 2013
By cait_liin BRONZE, Newtown, Connecticut
cait_liin BRONZE, Newtown, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I fell

tripping and tumbling over roots
chasing white rabbits for the ghost of who I thought you
would be but you weren't
to my Wonderland

oh but you made every day an adventure
somewhere new and smiling and shiny
like the stars in the sky
and I kept falling and tripping and tumbling over roots
chasing white rabbits for you

the cats and the flowers all sang me songs
they said "you're dreaming alice. you'll wake up someday soon it won't be long"
but I kept walking through the smoke they blew
falling and tripping and tumbling over roots
chasing white rabbits for you

You fed me lies on a silver platter
and I ate them up
breakfast lunch and dinner
devoured them and they made me grow bigger

my feet stuck out the windows and my head through the ceiling
but my mouth was in yours
feeding you recipes full of feelings

you twisted them added your own brew
and I fell
tripping and tumbling over roots
chasing white rabbits for you

The author's comments:
For an old friend

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