Thoughts | Teen Ink


April 2, 2013
By moque67 BRONZE, Lancaster, Texas
moque67 BRONZE, Lancaster, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nothing can compare to the emptiness the soul can feel;
The way hearts ache and never heal, stuck between fantasy and reality
Trying to find out what is best for us
Its a big world and full of possibilities, so can't we change depending on whether or not we are feeling it right?
Dipping and dodging things day and night ; still not finding what is right

What is right?
Better yet who is right?
People say not to worry about it; they will come when the time is right, but should one have to go through such termoil until finally they find the one they cannot live without?

Should we just sit and wait for nothing?
Instead of chasing the one who will give us the love we deserve
Is it right?

Is right wrong? is left right? is up down?

Sunrise and Sunset
Our very existance is anchored in the fact that we can love and be loved
not love a remain unloved
nor to love too little and loose out or love too much and get hurt

But -Love- Equal Love- True Love
Yes many go through life and never find what makes them turely happy
Because they are out chasing a "dream"

Dreams are for all, but not all dreams come true

The author's comments:
in times of depression or in the spur of the moment things just come to me

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