The Sage of Story | Teen Ink

The Sage of Story

April 4, 2013
By Firoaren SILVER, Dennison, Minnesota
Firoaren SILVER, Dennison, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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The Writing on the wall needs revision

We’d gather ‘round, friends and I
Always early, rapt, intent

He’d Summon Epics, well played and timed,
legends of ether and smoke

We’d watch charged, yet attent
Characters that would dance by, ghostly yet alive

Tales strung to cross expanses
Wraiths of reality shot to Never-Never Land and back

He’d pronounce their pitfalls, and monster that would track them
They’d merge with reality, reconstructing our perception toward similarities

As the story lengthens, the ghouls would shift and shape, endeavoring to get away from view
But those that heard a story or two will always know how to catch, to overcome

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