With Creation | Teen Ink

With Creation

April 4, 2013
By Evie.Inge BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Evie.Inge BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Does it seem logical that nothing exploded into everything?

The skies unfolded out of the blue, seas filled themselves with salt water,

then a few chemicals fused together and humans then showed in the random.

Tell me, where has human knowledge originated, or when feeling and instinct evolved?

This seems as realistic as if the Earth were its own potter,

and what was once flat lands, became antsy and began competing who could reach the highest turned to mountains.

Even more significant is the nocturnal moon who only shows when all is asleep,

yet the clouds are of the anti-socials and stay above everything and cry.

The trees down below tickle and irritate the sky, yet all is well.

This seems very unlikely. Comprehend;

the stars were put into the sky and numbered,

the planets positioned in orbit for a purpose,

the sea and land, perfectly balanced for many precious creatures.

There was just enough water put into circulation to keep vegetation and life plentiful;

the creator, designed and instructed rivers to all flow one direction.

So everything came from nothing, somewhat is embarrassing and unscientific;
In a lot of ways a person who believes this myth has more faith than I.

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