My Dear Friend | Teen Ink

My Dear Friend

April 10, 2013
By dustyellen BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
dustyellen BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to talk about her
Her hips were a little too high.
The boys laughed.
The girls chuckled.

They are a part of her body.
A part of her body that she cannot change
We all told her
“Curves make you Beautiful”
She just never seemed to listen.

I want to talk about the old purple journal
The journal that was filled with numbers
She kept all of her calories in that old torn up notebook.
Refused to eat more than 600 a day.

I want to talk about her ex-boyfriend.
Told his friends he hated it when she would undress.
He didn’t think her body was beautiful like a boyfriend should.

I want to talk about the cheating.
We were all told multiple times.
We told her multiple times.
We tried.
She just wouldn’t listen us.
He told her we were lying,
And she believed him,
She believe him over us
Her best friends.

I want to talk about verbal bullying.
Words can break you
And those words broke her.

I want to talk about medication.
Depression pills
What do depression pills do?
What would 47 depression pills do?
Would they take her to heaven?
Or would they take her to hell?

She took the rest of the bottle that afternoon.
I looked down at my phone
Read a cross the screen
ONE NEW TEXT from her
My best friend.
I dialed her mom’s number
As fast as my fingers could possibly move

They rushed her to the hospital.
30 minutes.
30 minutes.
If they would have waited 30 minutes,
My best friend would have been gone in 30 minutes.

I want to talk about who she is today
Tall, dark skin, and beautiful
Locks of gold
New boyfriend
New dreams
New goals
And she will achieve every single one of them.

Because depression didn’t ruin her it built her.

The author's comments:
My Best Friend inspired me to write this piece, she has had a hard life. Everyone thinks that she has it so easy because she is pretty but in reality pretty girls have it a lot harder.She is judged every day by everyone and it is all because of jealousy she is a beautiful girl. A beautiful girl that will go very far in life.

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