My Heart | Teen Ink

My Heart

April 10, 2013
By dustyellen BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
dustyellen BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are the warm comforting hugs
After he busted my heart into pieces
You would wipe the tears,
You would always say everything was going to be okay.

You are a God Mother
Miles and miles so far away
She is up in the clouds now
No longer in our arms but in our hearts forever
You are the God Mother,
The God Mother of an angel.

You are Santa
Christmas presents under the tree
Thousands of dollars spent
Mom did you receive one thank you from your spoiled daughter?
No you probably didn’t but I am so thankful.

You are the tooth fairy
Sneaking dollar bills under my pillow at night.

You are a Mother
My support system
My rock when everything crashes down
My shoulder to cry on when things get hard.

You are a father
Supporting me in everything
Teaching me right from wrong
Standing with me when I feel alone and cold
You are not a man but you are my father.

You are a heart patient
A low percent beating yet you still make it through the day
Multiple times in the ER but never giving up
I know you do it for me
I know you fight every day for me mom I know that
Just for me so that I never have to go without a mother
Or without a father.

You are a baby sister
Filled with rage and brokenness
Yet also filled with love
You will never have another brother make the most of it while you still can.

You are my I love you’s because I do I love you mommy
Love bootsy

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem because sometimes my mother and I fight but in reality I believe that she is the strongest person I know she is a single mother and not only a single mother but she has come close to death one to many times. She has a very serious health problem and is in need of a heart transplant. I wrote this basically to show her how much I truly do appreciate everything that she does for me.

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