Together until the end | Teen Ink

Together until the end

April 10, 2013
By dustyellen BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
dustyellen BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are pink Nike running shoes with no destination.
Running through freshly falling snow
Making your own footprints in life

You are a pair of sharp silver scissors,
It’s not the scissors that are making beautiful creations.
It is the work of your hands
Short, long, curly, strong, weak, brittle,
You can do it all.

You are an old Harley Davidson jacket,
Your hair loosely pulled back
With a bandana wrapped tight
Your arms wrapped tightly around dads back.

You are a wife,
Loving with cuddles on the couch
Not only soul mates
But best friends I can see it in my dad’s eyes
Every time he looks at you.

You are a mother,
Full of advice
Warm hugs and a shoulder to lean on
My little sisters support system and role model.

You are a sister,
Filled with memories and laughter
A should to lean on when is needed.
Far away in miles but close in the heart.

You are tear drops that fall from my hazel eyes
With a dash of brown just like dad and my baby sisters,
Some soft and light filled with love
Others heavy and painful

You are a step mother,
You are my Step Mom.
We go from screaming I hate you to
Whispering I love you
It’s not easy not even close
But no matter what happens in the end
We make it through together,
Amy I love you

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because through out my entire life my step mom and I have never gotten along. We have always loved each other but never really see eye to eye. This was my way of showing her how much I truly do love and care about her.

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